Breast augmentation is the dream of many girls and women! And “going under the knife” of a surgeon, or rather a scalpel, is fear No. 1 among the beautiful half of humanity. But, as you know, demand creates supply, hence the emergence of various “folk recipes” to increase women’s bulges.
In most cases, these “miraculous” recipes do not give any effect (including eating a huge amount of cabbage). Maybe because of this, girls of various ages and walks of life decide to go for breast augmentation surgery.
The reflections of a woman who is trying to increase her bust with the help of various “folk remedies” is akin to the “coquetry” of a ninth grader who is trying to do something like an abortion, resorting to medicinal herbs and hot bathing, on the advice of a caring mother of the “culprit of the incident”. Perhaps it was said rudely – but it will save you from rash acts.
The fact that cabbage is an indispensable source of vitamin C and other beneficial substances is the purest truth. But that’s why many ladies think that breasts grow from her, it’s not clear. Maybe this is due to an ancient belief, where each vegetable was endowed with divine power and dedicated to various heavenly bodies. Cabbage was ranked with the Moon, and was considered a symbol of female well-being. Perhaps because of this, the myth spread that cabbage enlarges the chest.
However, if this is the case, it makes sense to press on cabbage until the age of eighteen, nevertheless, some doctors argue that the substances contained in cabbage really have a beneficial effect on breast growth in the initial period of its formation. True, this impact is insignificant. But there is no harm from such a diet, in addition, sulforaphane, a substance contained in cabbage, is indispensable in preventive measures against cancer. Therefore, regardless of age, this vegetable must be present in your diet – eat cabbage at least once a week.
To increase the bust, many “experts” advise eating more fatty foods – cod liver, vegetable and animal oils, etc.d. Well, this advice has a right to exist. With such a diet, the chest, indeed, will increase. Like all other parts of the body – thanks to adipose tissue.
You can experiment with a decoction of hop cones, or even better, immediately drink it in the form of beer. The problem is in the content of female hormones, which, as mentioned, have an effect on breast growth. And hormonal drugs in this regard are not safer. After all, as you know, before each appointment of such funds, a professional consultation of a doctor is recommended.
Here are some more DANGEROUS tips:
Rubbing and dousing with cold water. Common Crazy Advice to Firm Your Breasts. Don’t do it anyway! The bust will really increase – quickly and painfully. Hypothermia of the breast is a 100% path to the occurrence of mastitis, and there it is not far from the tumor. In the future, such troubles may well provoke the development of breast cancer.
Breast heating. Perhaps this myth came from the fact that when your bulges grow, the temperature of your chest rises. However, the causal relationship is still unclear. Such “miracle advice”, again, can result in the appearance of a tumor.
From the pages of the novel “Thais of Athens” by the author Efremov, the method of rubbing hemlock juice, which supposedly enlarges the breast, has become widespread among the masses. But the funniest thing is that in the same novel it was said about the disastrous consequences of this recipe. Cycuta is nothing but poison. By the way, it was from this poison that the great philosopher Socrates died. In any case, it is better to decide on a surgical operation than to try to enlarge the chest by rubbing hemlock juice. So much safer.
Be wary of folk recipes and, especially, dietary supplements. O! Let’s touch on the topic of dietary supplements. In most cases, dietary supplements that are intended for breast enlargement are stuffed with huge doses of hormones, which can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.
If you really have firmly decided to enlarge your breasts or change its shape, then go not to a healer, but to a professional surgeon. The operation in our time is a hundred times safer than the vast majority of folk remedies and, moreover, much more effective.